Letting Go – Day 26

Letting Go – Day 26
By Jenny Griffin
Letting Go through Crisis: Rock Bottom
Crisis is the theme of this week, and one common element of many traumatic releases is the idea of a rock bottom. Call it what you will: breakup, breakdown, breakthrough, dark night of the soul, rock bottom, turning point, tipping point, crisis point, psycho-spiritual crisis; it’s the same thing, that point at which something in you decides the way you’ve been going is no longer going to work. Everyone reaches their rock bottom at a different point: what can seem like one person’s hell may be for someone else like dipping their toe in the pool. These things can’t be forced or hurried, it’s really a matter of repeatedly being (gently?) bashed over the head by the Universe trying to draw your attention to something that needs to be shifted, until you see it, and take notice.
Life throws those familiar patterns in your face repeatedly and says, ‘Look at this! Do you see what you’re doing/saying/thinking? Doesn’t it seem familiar? Wouldn’t you like to try something new?’ At first, you might start to notice that there’s a repetitive pattern in your behavior, but if you are deeply entrenched in the beliefs that got you to that point, you will likely feel that it just IS, there’s no way to change it, that’s just your lot in life. So, the quality or quantity of the lessons is upped, bit by bit, becoming more and more extreme, obvious versions of what they are there to teach you so that they become harder and harder to ignore. At some point, one of the examples will drive you to the edge of your conscious understanding of the world and force you to look over it. At this point you have the choice to surrender to the energy that takes you through the darkness and into the parts of you you’d hidden away underneath all the distortions and untruths from outside yourself. If you do, the unfolding that takes place is enlightening and beautiful.
Not all letting go has to involve deep dives into the rock bottom stuff. As we discovered at the beginning, Birth, life is a circle. Change is a part of that, and change always involves letting go. The cyclical nature of the process means that in going through a new experience of change or letting go, you can gain insight into what that powerful moment of transformation is teaching you, and move forward to the next lesson knowing that you are never perfect, never finished, but instead a work in progress. You can allow yourself the freedom to make subsequent mistakes and gain a sense of presence in each encounter to identify how you might respond to it differently from the last time. And next time, you can respond differently again. If each time, you let go of one small block, or old thought pattern or belief, you enter the next cycle lighter, freer and more conscious of the world around you and the connections that exist between you and the other beings that share our planet.
There are so many ways for people to escape the things they fear the most, drugs, alcohol, sex/relationships, work, just to name a few. The things people fear the most are many and varied, and each person will find their own, but no matter how scary you think it is, when you get there and face it, it is not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. The fear of what you fear is there, is far worse than the thing itself. In fact, most people find that the things they had believed to be true about themselves are not, and in that quiet space below the fear and darkness is the truth, as only they know it.
As we’ve seen with earlier stories from this week, life can seem to conspire against us, presenting us with challenges to show us it’s time to make changes. And as we’ve also seen, it’s how you deal with those that leads to some of the greatest highs. If you can shift your perspective to one of gratitude and wonder, and be prepared to release anything that no longer serves you, you’ll find something wonderful on the other side of challenge.
Jenny Griffin
Also known as ‘The Catharsis Coach,’ Jenny loves exploring life’s twists and turns through the lens of transformation. Her own journey through catharsis, a deep, deep letting go of ingrained patterns and beliefs, resulted in a feeling of connectedness, with the world around her and with that wise and wonderful voice within. Jenny has learned to engage with her life and experiences in a way that allows her to use the knowledge gained through them to serve others. When she’s not writing, she’s coming up with new ways to help people move through change with grace and ease.
You can find her at: http://thepowerofchange.me/what-is-the-power-of-change-3/

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