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Living in Awareness – Day 0

Living in Awareness – Day 0

Living in Awareness

By Vedam Clementi

Hello, and welcome to Living in Awareness: An OMTimes 30 Day Challenge.

How many times have you thought, “I wish I knew how to manage my life better, and how to create the life I wish to live?” Maybe you have even thought that you have missed out on, or someone has forgotten to fill you in on some very important, great, and mystical insights, or secrets about life. Were those insights the secrets to living a rich, full, joyful, and abundant life?

See Also

This challenge is based upon the life coaching principles and practices of my life coaching practice. “Living In Awareness: A 30 Day Challenge” is not only about creating the life you want to live, but also living with the Awareness that there is only one moment that truly counts, and that is this moment of NOW… It is also about living in acceptance, no matter where you may be starting from, nor how you got there, but from this point, building the life you wish to live.

There is nothing mystical about learning how to maneuver through life, or playing the game of life; it is about living in Universal Awareness. Universal Awareness is the omnipresent Awareness that lives in everything born of nature (humans, plants, animals, etc). This Awareness deciphers, interprets, and analyzes what is occurring around it at any given moment without judgment, and supports the receiver to live a full and rich life. This Universal Awareness arises out of the connectedness to Source Energy, and is timeless and absolute.

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