Living in Awareness – Day 1

Living in Awareness – Day 1
By Vedam Clementi
Living In Awareness Day 1 Part 1
Living In Awareness Day 1 Part 2
Every living thing born in and of nature was born with the capacity to grow up to express its fullest potential. Every living thing was born with the ‘know-how,’ the knowledge, and the ability to be all that it can be. This capacity, this know-how, and the ability were born with it.
Take any seed, it doesn’t matter which one, for they all exemplify the same thing. Each seed has the potential to grow into its fullest capacity. Each seed has the knowledge, the ‘know-how’ to allow its life force to emerge up and out of its protective shell. It knows how to grow roots (to receive the nutrition it needs to evolve), it knows how to grow into its maturity, and it knows how to produce its ‘fruit.’ It KNOWS how to be everything it came to be.
This evolution, this process is one of the wonders of the world, and the glory of God. It exemplifies the statement, “Life supports life!” Inside of that seed is more life. Inside of that seed is the know-how to live. Inside of that seed is the ability to evolve into its fullest potential. Inside of that seed is EXISTENCE itself! It was born with full potential, it was born with its wisdom, it was born with the know-how, and it was born complete. Now, just to make my point very clear, just like any seed, you are born in nature, of nature, and you too have everything that seed has and more!

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