Living in Awareness – Day 1

Again, just to drive that point home:
Since you were born of nature, you too have the same ability, the same know-how as any other seed born from nature. Are you Living in Awareness, or are you selling yourself short and caving into the negative thoughts of the mind? Are you caving out of fear, fear of the things you may have to let go of to allow yourself to be all that you can be? Are you caving because you don’t think things can be any different, so why put the effort forward to make it happen? Do you think there is just too much water under the bridge, or maybe all the changes it would take seem overwhelming? You may even think that you cannot Live in Awareness because of outside forces such as the economy, your job, your relationships, or the responsibilities that are in front of you.
When you begin to Live in Awareness, your mindset begins to change from the conditioned mindset that was set into place from your past. New perspectives, new outlooks, new responses to things that would normally trigger you begin to happen, and before you know it, new neurological pathways begin to be created.
Living in Awareness means to live a life that is liberated from the conditioned mind. It means realizing that you are not the mind or its thoughts. It means to live beyond the mind in general. It means that you understand the mind, and how it works, and you use the mind consciously. You see it (the mind) jumping from the past, judging the present, and you see the mind either avoiding something about the future, or hoping something in the future comes to pass. You see the mind, and its antics, but yet you understand it for what it is, and go on about your life.

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