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Living in Awareness – Day 1

Living in Awareness – Day 1

When you are Living in Awareness, you see the ego. You see the ego/mind do what the ego/mind does naturally, and you begin to see the self-destructive qualities and patterns of the ego drop away. You begin to tap into the true source of your power, and begin to use that power to Live in Awareness. Yes, it may take some effort; you may even have to tap into the power of the ego and use that power to stay steadfast, but after you have used it, you leave it and connect once again to your true source of power.

Living in Awareness means not settling for less than your fullest potential, and you accept what is in the present moment at the same time. You are not adversarial with the present moment, you are accepting of the past for it has brought you to this place, and you begin to build from right where you are standing.

Living in Awareness means that you are aware of clock-time, and you use it to support you. You understand that everything comes in time; you understand that there is a natural gestation to everything, and you are okay with the time that it will take. Living in Awareness, you nurture the evolutionary process; you take baby-steps, and push yourself all at the same time. You understand constriction and expansion; you know when to push, when to pull, and when to sit down, shut up and do nothing.

See Also

As you Live in Awareness, you honor self, love self, nurture self, and are selfless with no incongruence. You live in Oneness with all beings, and yet softness, fierceness and fearlessness coexist peacefully together, and life is delicious. There is a balance between the masculine and feminine, the be-er and the do-er. When you choose to live in Awareness, there is a dance between the physical and the non-physical, the seen and the unseen. You see the illusions of life. You know that the illusion is being cast from the mind; you play with the illusion, but yet do not think of it or buy into it as being real. You understand the physicality of the body, the power and ability of the mind, and honor the non-physicality, the Awareness and insight that comes from Spirit.

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