Living in Awareness – Day 10
According to general statistics; a person can have anywhere between 12,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day. Since our thoughts create our feelings, it is no wonder why we often feel like we are on an emotional roller coaster on any given day. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to master your mind and your emotions?
Well, … here it is!!!
Thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings will attempt to dictate your next action. Notice the words, ‘will attempt to dictate.’ This does not have to be; you get to choose! Always remember that … YOU GET TO CHOOSE!
So let’s break this down, shall we?
Situations happen and those situations create thoughts. Those thoughts are dictated by your conditionings. Those thoughts then create your feelings, and those feelings will attempt to dictate your next mode of action. Part of this happens automatically within the dance between the mind and the body. This occurs in every human being, and you have no control over it. The other aspect happens because of the activity that is going on inside your conditioned, thinking mind. Remember, we mentioned earlier that the mind records every event, and it records the feelings that are evoked during the event. Also, remember, the mind is also accessing past events, so that it may file this event away with other similar events. Neurological pathways have already been established because of past events, and those pathways are “prompting” you how to react to the current situation. Sometimes, these promptings are ideal for the current situation and sometimes they are not. Sometimes, those promptings are so strong they seem to dictate how you are going to be in the present moment. It is up to you to see what is happening. It is up to you to see the mind, its activity, and its promptings. Once you do, you can then decide if those promptings to see if it truly the ‘best call of action?’ There are a couple of other points to make about the Trinity of Life that I would like to dive into.
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