Living in Awareness – Day 13

Living in Awareness Day 13
By Vedam Clementi
Intentions: What Do I Intend?
With yesterday’s challenge, I asked you to pick one area of your life that you wanted to work on, and begin to uncover an emotional starting gate that was not supporting you. After all, having Awareness with something is the first step to changing it. The next step is deciding what you would like in its place.
The dictionary defines intention as the thing intended; an aim or plan. Setting intention is using the mind purposefully, and consciously. To intend something means that you have a desire, and a plan, a course of action to bring that desire into form. In many situations, it takes more than just a desire to bring something into the realm of the manifest, it may also include a game plan to support it as it is manifesting. In many cases, the follow through, the nurturing of it as it manifests is as important, and a significant step to experiencing your dreams and desires.
After you have realized a desire or dream, you must make sure that your actions support the intentions. I see more people dropping the ball at this stage of the game than any other. I also see people getting frustrated with the process (the work it would take), and the time it takes (the gestation process) for the object of desire to become real. For example: if I intend to have green beans in my garden, I am going to have to prepare the soil, get the seeds, plant them, nurture them, and then harvest them. It is going to take work, not only planning work, but also physical work. It is also worth noting here, with some desires to become manifest, the act of supporting the intentions means to stop certain behaviors or actions. For example: let’s say that you want to be more accepting. For that to occur, you would have to refrain from judging. You would have to refrain from engaging with the mind as it begins to judge something (stop participating with the mind’s judgment). In many situations, it takes both, doing and not doing for a dream to become a reality. You have to decide that for yourself relating to each different desire.
Putting The Effort Forward The next step to nurturing your dreams into life is putting the effort towards them. I find it supportive to ask yourself what you want regarding a specific area of your life, and then you can begin to set some intentions regarding that area.

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