Living in Awareness – Day 19

Living in Awareness Day 19
By Vedam Clementi
Nothing Has Meaning…
I work with my life coaching clients on many truths and concepts that open their eyes, and their minds, to a different perspective, a different way of looking at and dealing with life. One of those truths happen to be: “Nothing has any meaning except the meaning that you give it.”
When we look in the dictionary for the meaning of a word, we often find that it has multiple meanings. The same is true with life events. One situation or event can have many different meanings or stories. When a situation occurs, it is the mind that gives the entire situation its collective meaning. The meaning you give something is shaped by you, specifically by the mind.
Nothing has any meaning except the meaning that you give it. As you give something a meaning that is exactly what it becomes for you. The mind will attempt to give something its meaning, and the mind will attempt to make that meaning stick. But again, I remind you, you are not the mind. I also remind you, you are in charge of your mind, you do not have to take the mind’s meaning, and make it yours. You can tell the mind the meaning that you choose to give it, and the mind will begin to believe you.
How does knowing and realizing this fact help you to evolve into your spiritual maturity? Once you begin to see that you are the one giving something a meaning, and if that meaning is not working for you, you can change your meaning, just like you changed your story in yesterday’s challenge. The mind is Divine, and it is a beast, all at the same time. See that, and begin to work with it. Begin to understand it; stop believing that everything the mind says as being true, and begin to live from the Authentic You, a more supportive you, and be the Authentic You that uses the mind for what it was designed for. Stop the labeling, the defining, and go on about your business. Recognize that you are the one giving meaningless meanings to things and situations, and watch how life always supports life.

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