Living in Awareness – Day 23
Living in Awareness Day 23
By Vedam Clementi
Walking Meditation
Welcome back to Day 23 of the “Living In Awareness” Challenge.
Not all meditations are done in stillness and/or silence. I have found that movement, such as walking, free-form dance, yoga, tai-chi, and other practices like these can be extremely supportive not only physically, but also emotionally, and spiritually. As a human, you are the living expression of energy; some that is seen, and much that is not. Your thoughts are energy, and they create the physical feelings you experience. Your physical movements are created through impulses of energy, some conscious, and other involuntary. It sometimes appears this energy gets stuck, or stagnate, and in those situations intentional movement can get that energy moving again. Active or moving meditations can be quite cathartic while you are going through something, processing something, or integrating something.
Today, I want you to simply take a walk, and as you do, I want you to incorporate the same principles and practices that you did yesterday with your Vipassana Meditation. Today’s challenge is to do a 30 minute walking meditation, and if for some reason you are not able to do a walking meditation, please do another Vipassana Meditation.
As you are walking, observe the breath, and observe the mind, and the thoughts that are occurring. Just simply observe, and when you find yourself participating with thoughts, drop the participation, and return to observing. If you have an iPod or similar, you can download the meditation track to support you through your walking meditation. Click on the link below.…
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or insights.
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