Living in Awareness – Day 25
Living in Awareness Day 25
By Vedam Clementi
What Are My Intentions Regarding My Predispositions?
Welcome back to Day 25 of your challenge.
Yesterday’s challenge was to investigate, to uncover those things to which you have been predisposed. Intrinsically, predispositions are not good, nor are they bad. You cannot live your life without having them; however, the problems begin when there is no awareness about those predispositions. In today’s challenge, I would like for you to now make some personal intentions regarding those predispositions. Some of those intentions could be based upon changing your course of action; how and what are you are going to do to change them. How are your actions going to support your intentions? Yesterday, you may have uncovered a predisposition that does support you. You may find that if you own it, stepped into your own power about it, it may even support you more. What are your actions going to be regarding that? What actions are going to support your intentions?
Remember, there are two parts to this challenge: developing
intentions, and then choosing actions that will support those intentions. Have fun journaling.
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