Living in Awareness – Day 26

Living in Awareness Day 26
By Vedam Clementi
Belief Systems
Welcome back to Day 26. Today, you are going to play investigative reporter once again. You are going to investigate some of your belief systems. Specifically, I am wanting you to uncover at least 1 existing belief system that you have regarding each of the following areas or categories of your life. The areas that you will be looking at are: 1. Mental, 2. Leisure, 3. Play, 4. Business, 5. Family, 6. Financial, 7. Physical, 8. Sexual, 9. Intimacy, and 10. Spiritual.
What Is A Belief System?
As events happen in your life, the mind records each one of them. Also, the mind records your interpretations and judgments regarding those events. As the mind is recording these situations and events, they are also being ‘filed’ away with other past situations, and events that the mind has labelled as being similar. As the ‘file’ grows, these files tell you about your perception of life, and become your belief systems.
Belief systems govern our lives. They determine how you look at something, how you perceive it, how you judge something, and your expectations about situations, experiences and life in general. Sometimes they may be supportive, other times they may be supportive for a period of time, and other times they are not supportive from the beginning. Belief systems become part of the ‘auto-pilot’ of your life.
Today, I want you to look at each of the 10 areas of your life individually, and uncover a belief system that you have regarding that area. Write about it. Does it support you, or does it not? Does it hold you back, or does it propel you forward? Again, belief systems are not intrinsically positive or negative, they are just part of your conditionings, but until they are seen for what they are, and either embraced, or dropped (depending on whether they support you or not), they cannot be truly owned. For example: I had a belief system regarding the leisure category that told me that leisure time was only allowed when all work had been completed. This belief system threw off the balance in my life because leisure time is needed to maintain balance, and a peaceful life. Another example: I had a belief system regarding the business category that told me to truly be successful, you had to be a self starter, self motivator, etc. This was a supportive belief system, but until I uncovered that belief system, and made it my own, a conscious way of being rather than a conditioned way of being, I was not getting as much out of it as I could.
So, again, be the investigator. Take each area listed above, and uncover at least 1 (of course you can do more) belief system that you have regarding that area of your life. Uncovering it, investigating it is the first step to having Awareness around it.

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