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Living in Awareness – Day 28

Living in Awareness – Day 28

Living in Awareness Day 28

By Vedam Clementi

Everything Can Be A Meditation

Yes, everything can be a meditation… if you let it!

I am a firm believer in the benefits of having a daily meditation practice; however, until you live your life meditatively, you are going to miss out on the deliciousness of life.

Today’s challenge is to begin living meditatively. I want you to take all the principles that we have gone over regarding your meditation practice, and begin to incorporate those practices as you go about your day. Listed below are a few pointers.

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  1. Throughout the day, observe the mind. Observe the conditioned reactions that are accessed by the events and situations of the day.
  2. Observe the feelings that your thoughts are evoking. What are they? Be aware; are they fear, love, anger, sadness or happiness.
  3. Accept everything that occurs, even if the mind begins to have a power and control game with the situations.
  4. When you realize the mind wants you to participate with judgments, and labels, observe them, but do not participate!
  5. Be present with whatever you are doing. When you see that the mind wants you go back or focus on the past, or you see the mind wants to project about the future, observe it, and get in your present moment.
  6. When you find yourself engaging or participating with the mind, just simply recognize what is occurring, accept it, and move your focus to your breath. Get centered, and go on with whatever activity you are doing.
  7. Periodically throughout the day, ‘check-in’ with yourself. What are you feeling in the moment of your ‘check-in,’ and completely accept whatever you may be feeling in the moment.
  8. Take advantage of the pauses. Remember to answer the call of the moment, and respond rather than react.

This is a full day challenge. Just go about your day, and implement all the things that you do while meditating, and incorporate them into your daily activities.

As you finish your day, look back on it; take a moment to reflect. How was your day? How was your ‘responding’ as the day unfolded? I would love to hear any and all insights, awarenesses, questions, or comments.

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