Living in Awareness – Day 3

Living In Awareness: Day 3
Vedam Clementi
What is Now?
Yesterday, we closed talking about the tenses of time, and at this point, you may be asking what is the difference between the present moment and the Now? They are vastly different because the present moment is a specific timeframe, and the Now is free from timeframes. Now is constantly in motion and cannot be locked in time; it is ever changing, evolving, twisting and turning; it is never stagnate. The tenses of time are stagnant, no matter which tense of time you consider. Time only exists on your clocks, your calendars, and inside your mind, whereas the Now is free from any concepts that happen to be mind-based such as time, labels, judgments, restrictions, problems, etc.
Each Now is new. It may envelop another Now, or roll from or into another Now, but each is new and total, in and of itself. As the Now arrives, it arrives complete. If the Now ushers in a question, the answer comes with it. If the Now sets the scene for what the mind happens to call a problem, the solution is also born with it. When you begin to see this as a Universal truth, you begin to look at life differently.
Most people operate from their conditioned, thinking mind, invested in the concepts of time. With that, they experience problems, restrictions, and fears. Randomly, they become so engrossed in whatever they are doing that they lose track of time; they are total and complete in whatever is happening. In those moments, time is irrelevant, and so are the problems that arise with the concepts of time. In those moments, they are in the Now.

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