Living in Awareness – Day 3

The Now is perfect. It is perfect because it is free from labels, judgments, shoulds, woulds, and coulds. There is beauty in the Now. There is nothing serious about the Now; it simply IS! And again, it IS total, complete, and perfect.
As you are moving through this challenge, I challenge you to begin to pay attention to the activity of the mind. Begin to notice something; begin to notice that the mind is either presently focused on the past, or presently projecting itself into the future. The mind is either contaminating the present moment with replaying the past, and what it would like different about it, or the mind could be polluting the present moment with an idea about some future event. Begin to see that the mind only has the capacity to either be in the past or be in the future, and when that occurs, you are not in the NOW! To add to that exercise, when you recognize that the mind is doing that, and you have jumped on board, I want you to STOP! As you stop, step back, get centered, take a few deep breaths, and only focus on what is directly in front of you. Get in your Now! When you get in your Now, you will see that there are no problems; there are no shoulds, woulds, or coulds. As you get in your Now, you will begin to see that the only moment that counts is Now, and as you answer the call of your Now, the next Now will take care of itself, just like the last Now took care of itself. Try it, you will be amazed at what you uncover just through that simple exercise.

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