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Living in Awareness – Day 3

Living in Awareness – Day 3

I want you to understand the cycles of life. I want you to see that everything in nature has its own gestation time. I want you to begin to work with time, and use it for what it was created to be, rather than being enslaved by time.

You are free to choose, and it is much more than choosing just once —

So again, your challenge today is to be present with, and in each moment. Be total and complete. Be in your now.

See Also

Whatever tasks you take on today, be present with each one. When you notice that the mind has taken you on a trip either into the past or some projected future, somewhere besides what is directly in front of you, just simply go back to focusing on the task at hand. When that task is done, move onto the next task. Also, remember this, it is just as important to be present with a small task as it is a large or important task. Be present with each moment and each task. Begin to train yourself to focus, and to be present.

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