Living in Awareness – Day 5
So, let’s break this down into real life–
- A child is born. The mind is a blank sponge, ready to soak up everything it experiences.
- Events begin to happen and the mind records every thing it sees, hears and feels about the event.
- More events happen, and the mind continues to record them as they happen, and files them away with other past, and similar events.
- As files begin to grow in size inside the child’s mind, belief systems are being created.
- The child ages, more events continue to happen and be recorded. Files are multiplying, belief systems are growing, and the ego or “I” begins to develop.
- As the child grows into being a teenager, the “I”/ego develops further as the child’s belief systems continue to multiply or be reinforced.
- This phenomenon continues throughout a person’s entire life time until there are many “I’s,” many facets that combine to create a person’s ego, personality, perspectives and viewpoints on themselves and life in general.
I am telling you about the creation of the conditioned, thinking mind because until you begin to practice Awareness with it, the mind is going to run the show. From its past conditionings, the mind is going to dictate how you perceive and judge every event that happens to you. The mind, and its conditionings are going to tell you how you ‘should’ react to that situation.
I want you to become Aware of your own conditionings, how they have affected you, and continue to affect you. With this Awareness, you cease being the puppet, and begin to become the master. Become aware of the conditioned, thinking mind and how it functions. It will appear that life’s circumstances, events, and desires automatically hit the mind’s play button. Once the play button has been hit, it will attempt to tell you why this or that cannot happen. The mind will attempt to tell you about all the problems it will face as the desired outcome is achieved. The mind could even try to tell you about some future event (time) where the desire has been taken away from you, and all the problems that exist because of that. I know it sounds like I am saying that the mind is the crux of all of our problems, and that is exactly what I am saying. It may even sound like I am saying that the mind is the ‘demon that must be destroyed!’ This is the furthest thing from the truth. The mind is a tool to be used, and used consciously, purposefully, and authentically. The mind is the beast that must be tamed if you want to fully utilize its powers. The mind is powerful beyond your imagination, but until the powers have been harnessed, the mind will simply run wild.
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