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Living in Awareness – Day 5

Living in Awareness – Day 5

Buddha, nor any of the great teachers throughout history, have had the capacity to kill the beast; they simply became AWARE of the beast known as the mind, and tamed it. They did not take the mind seriously as the mind rambled on and on about any given situation. They also learned how to harness the power of the mind, and use it with purpose. These were not “special” people. They were not part of some great Universal “chosen ones.” They were normal people, just like you and me; however, they did possess something in common – determination. It does not matter who you look at; it doesn’t have to be Buddha. It could be any one of the great teachers, philosophers, innovators, inventors, mystics, peacemakers, or icons that you believe have shaped this world for the better. They would not settle for less; they would not live defending their limitations; they each moved beyond their conditionings, or what they had been taught. They moved beyond the conditioned, thinking mind. Jesus had to move beyond what he had been taught, Gandhi had to move beyond what he had been taught, even Oprah had to move beyond what she had been taught. They all moved beyond the conditioned, thinking mind, and began to use the mind with purpose. You too have the same power, for each of us is born with it innately. It is a gift from God; it is a gift from the Universe. How do I know this? I know this because you exist. I know that life supports life, and since you are part of life, you are supported to be all that you can be!

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