Living Your Angelic Messages – Day 10

Living Your Angelic Message- Day 10
June 10
Abundance comes in so many ways. It can be an abundance of friends, or an abundance of material things or spiritual abundance. We suggest that you take stock of the types of abundance that are in your life. The Law of Attraction speaks of abundance as energy when referring to money. When you wish to acquire abundance monetarily, you must think and speak of this in a positive way and then let the Universe bring it to you. Letting go of trying to control this outcome is so difficult, but keep your eye on your vision. Do the footwork and remain positive in all ways, knowing that your vision will happen. Remain grateful despite the appearance of lack and bring positive energy to your vision. Something to remember is that the timing of this manifestation happens on the Universe’s own timetable. We encourage you to put your request out to the Universe and to enjoy the journey of how this all comes to fruition. Take note of whom you meet and the opportunities that come to you during your journey, for the angels are helping your dream come true.
Journal exercise:
What are some of the ways we can help others who are suffering? How can we make them comfortable and help them to fell some hope? Think about it and journal about it.

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