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Living Your Angelic Messages – Day 23

Living Your Angelic Messages – Day 23

Living Your Angelic Message Day 23

June 23

Let peace reign in your heart. May you always be at peace even when it is hard to feel peaceful. This is your greatest test. When you can let feelings that are negative just pass by, then you know you have grown on your path. It is important to look at the feelings objectively and then to let them pass by. As the feelings pass by, you will begin to feel deep peace within your heart and you will feel joy after they are gone. Dear children, we, your angels, can help with this. We can show you the way to a joyful existence, for we are here for you always. “If God has brought you to it, he can bring your through it.”

Journal exercise:

See Also

Think of a time in your life when you have felt that you could not find peace. How were you eventually able to let the negative feelings pass and to let joy and peace back into your heart? Think about it and journal about it.

Peg Jones is an Angelic Life Coach and helps others to learn about their angels and how communication is possible with these light beings She helps people to see how the angels can help them in their daily life. Peg teaches some angel Classes online and on her site.  She is a Blog Talk Host one time a month and on Paramania Radio one time a month also.  Peg is a Akashic Records Practitioner and studied with Linda Howe, who wrote the book How to Access the Akashic Records..Peg writes for several ezines and is about to start her second book to set for publication in the coming months.  Peg has a book almost ready for publication.  Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers throughout the Year. Peg will take individuals for life coaching sessions to learn how a client can work with the angels in their life and how they will help one to self heal.  Peg lives with husband in MA.

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