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Marlise Karlin – The Simplicity of Stillness

Marlise Karlin – The Simplicity of Stillness


11. You have studied ancient wisdom’s and modern scientific breakthroughs how has this informed The Simplicity of Stillness? 

It’s so interesting how science is bringing new ways to understand what ancient scriptures have told us for so long. I love is seeing how the brave scientists of today are challenging old systems to bring in this new research about health and consciousness.  The mind loves to have something to believe in, and these days, our inner knowing is talking louder and louder, so it’s nice to get some confirmation of what we in some sense already know.

It’s also great to expand any limits we have on our potential; when we learn that we no longer have to live in some of the boxes we were given from youth, it’s like being set free.  I am evolving the curriculum I teach all the time, and it is that alchemical conscious energy that informs me as well as the new science of today.

12. Who has influenced your work and life and whose work do you admire? 

See Also

My studies and apprenticeship of ancient wisdom and healing traditions were with a lineage of meditation masters, as well as a master teacher of Jin Shin Jyutsu, which then led to absorbing knowledge from the many evolutionary teachers who followed in fields as diverse as quantum science, principled leadership, and the laws of attraction.

After years of service, research and application, it was time to get back into the professional world.  My former husband always had to laugh whenever he got in my car; tapes were everywhere – not the usual rocking-out driving music you might expect, but every new seminar I thought would broaden my mind. Among the very best were Stephen Covey’s value-driven The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Neuro Linguistic Programing, Warren Bennis and other experts on leadership and communication, the eminently fearless Tony Robbins interviewing brilliant innovative minds like his, Abraham- Hicks expansive and fun approach to the laws of attraction, Dr. Deepak Chopra’s unprecedented scientific findings on health and healing, and music for the soul when it was time for the mind to rest.

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