Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 18

Meditations to Open an Cleanse Your Chakras Day 18
This meditation will help you release all blockages that you have in speaking your truth.
Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for next 20 minutes. Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect, palms facing upwards. Take few deep breaths at your own pace, hold and as you breathe out, relax more and more, letting go all the worries, tensions and stress. You are safe and completely protected. Imagine you are in a garden and there 5 stairs going down. You are on the topmost right now dropping all your worries there, going down on 4th, releasing all the stress, on 3rdstep now, letting go of all fears, down on 2nd step, dropping all effort. As you step on the 1st and lowest level, you realize it’s your favorite place whether in nature (by the ocean, green meadows, or your own backyard/garden) or a room where you feel most peaceful. Feel yourself fully there experiencing the wind, birds singing, ocean waves, fragrance of flowers or your favorite music.
Now think about something you want to talk about something that’s important to you but you are unable to communicate. What do you feel or see or hear? How does your throat feels? Do you feel choked? Do you feel congested or feel pain/block in your throat? Feel it completely. What are the thoughts that come to your mind? Go back in time, where this feeling/thought came into your life. What’s happening there? Were you punished/humiliated/condemned when you tried to convey your opinion? Were you denied your needs? Who did that to you? Do you want to tell them something? Speak your truth to them. Don’t hold back, say it completely. Now take a deep breath in and let it go.

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