Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 22

Meditations to Open an Cleanse Your Chakras Day 22
This meditation will help you open your third eye and sharpen your intuition.
Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for next 20 minutes. Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect, palms facing upwards. Take few deep breaths at your own pace, hold and as you breathe out, relax more and more, letting go all the worries, tensions and stress. You are safe and completely protected. Imagine your third eye in front of you, completely open, looking at you with pure love. It’s exactly the shape, size and color of your two physical eyes. Keep looking and sending love back to your third eye. Connect with it fully. Ask this eye if it wants to show you something. Relax and watch. If nothing comes up, don’t worry, just observe and visualize this eye. Doing this overtime will increase your clairvoyance and psychic abilities.
Affirm,” I am now open to see the truth in every situation knowing that I am completely safe”.

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