Meditations to Open and Cleanse Your Chakras – Day 6

Meditations to Open an Cleanse Your Chakras- Day 6
Cord cutting Meditation
This meditation will help you cut all unhealthy cords with people (including yourself), patterns, addictions and situations. This will help release all negative beliefs you are holding about yourself removing all blocks towards your creativity.
Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for next 20 minutes. Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect, palms facing upwards. Take few deep breaths at your own pace, hold and as you breathe out, relax more and more, letting go all the worries, tensions and stress. You are safe and completely protected. Bring your attention to your Sacral Chakra, notice for any feelings of heaviness, tension, tightness, any strings attached that seem to be pulling. When you focus on this discomfort who are the people coming to your mind? Any images of experiences you have had with these people? Any cravings for food, drinks, sex coming up? Notice this feeling of tightness/discomfort increasing/intensifying. Be with it for few moments. Would you like to release this completely? Take a deep breath in and visualize dirty tubes coming out of your sacral Chakra, attached to you at one end and attached to people, cravings and situations on the other hand. Ask these cords to be removed completely from your system and feel those being detached completely. Focus on your breath until all of these are removed. When done completely, observe how your abdomen feels now- probably lighter and relaxed.
Affirm, “I am a beautiful and creative individual with healthy body and habits”.

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