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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 1

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 1

If you answered A: The Land of Should

In the Land of Should, you have not yet owned the behavior. The accountability lies in the external environment and not within you. So your task over the next 30 days is awareness and education. Over the next 30 days, soak up as much information as you can. Start to build awareness about your choices. Pay attention to how you feel after you are done eating. Pay attention to the language you use when talking about food and exercise. Begin to look at the people in your life that you admire and watch how they operate. Start reading more articles about health and pay attention to how they make you feel. Do you get an expanding feeling, a feeling of excitement and anticipation or a contracting feeling, one of fear, guilt or resentment? Then contemplate your reaction. Start assessing the global and personal impact of making some changes. For example, would making healthier changes be better for your children or if the environment is important to you, would you eating less fast food be better for the environment? These are the connections you need to begin making.

If Your answered B: At the Tipping Point

See Also
Darity Wesley

You are at the tipping point, you have already begun to educate and become more aware of your choices. Continue to do this even more. Your task over the next 30 days is to complete all the challenges, begin to make small changes and do the soul level work necessary for permanent change. Really begin looking inward and continue to build awareness about your choices and how you feel about them. Start looking for small changes that you can make in your daily life. Maybe this is eating in a few more times a week, packing a lunch, or beginning daily walks. You can see the value these changes will have in your life, it is now time to start making small commitments towards your desired goal.

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