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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 18

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 18

Guilt has a low vibrational frequency and it prevents the body from functioning in an optimal state.  If you view your food with guilt, how does that shift your consciousness?  This change in eating is not about being on a diet, you can’t cheat when it is a lifestyle change. It also won’t be an enduring change if you feel deprived all the time or if your food makes you feel bad.  So when you eat those ‘forbidden foods”, instead of eating them in a dark corner away from peering eyes, make it a celebration.  Enjoy every minute of it. When you move from a place of abundance, purpose and mindfulness, food no longer controls you.

Your Challenge:

I want you to sit and eat mindfully your ‘guilty pleasure” sans guilt.  Whatever it is; ice cream or the double cream Brie, I want you to eat it.  Not standing in the kitchen eating out of the bucket or in front of the TV, I want you to make it a celebration.  If you are doing it at home, set the table with a centerpiece and candles.  Put on some feel good music and then put one portion on your best china.  Before you eat it, give thanks to God, the universe, the farmer and the truck driver, whomever you feel had a hand in providing you with this meal.  Then enjoy it.  Let it linger on your tongue and savor every bite.   Then contemplate how you felt during and after this exercise.

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