Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 19

In order to rid ourselves of the power of these limiting beliefs, to make new agreement with more positive beliefs, we very often have to change our point of view. I said before that I am not afraid of my food; I cannot cheat on my diet because I am not on a diet. What if you recognized that you are making steps towards a healthier lifestyle and that you are not on a diet either. Therefore it becomes impossible to feel guilty for cheating and there is no evidence that you lack self-control. Now re-frame the situation even further and look at all the amazing choices you made that week. The cake was just another choice that was not a moment of lack of self-control rather an expression of celebration of life.
Stand of the Edge of Comfort
This is where change lives. The client in the beginning of the post started by eating mindful and slowly allowing his mind and body to determine when he was full. When he felt full he had to leave the table with food on it. This was uncomfortable for him at first, but he recognized now where the drive to eat was coming from. He ended his meal with gratitude and reminded himself that in not overeating he was putting less burden on his body and he was able to more easily digest and assimilate the meal. Over time the ill feelings disappeared as he created new core beliefs and new biological responses.

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