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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 19

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 19

Your Challenge

Dr. David Burns created the Vertical Arrow Technique to help people uncover limiting core beliefs.  Your task for today is to think of a time when you reacted out of proportion to the situation, identify the thought that was at the core of the event that created the upset.  Write this thought down and ask yourself, “If this is true, this upsets me because?”  Then, from that next thought, ask yourself the question again, “If I accept this statement as true, this upsets me because?”.  Keep going until you feel you have uncovered the core belief that is underlying the behavior.  Now contemplate whether or not that is an irrational belief.

Here is an example:

A few years ago when my son was two and half I noticed that I would get angry when he would take so long walking to the car.  I knew enough to understand that that was not an appropriate emotional response to the situation.  So I decided to see what the core belief was underlying this event.

Thought: Isaac is taking too long to walk to the car when trying to leave the house.  This upsets me because?

-It causes me stress to be late.

If this is true, this upsets me because?

-Being late is disrespectful

If this is true, this upsets me because?

See Also

-People will think I don’t care about them

If this is true, this upsets me because?

-They will be less likely to care about me

If this is true, this upsets me because?

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