Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 2

Week 1 Laying the Foundation
Day 2 Factors in Weight Loss
Mind/body weight loss is all about awareness. If we focus on our weight as a symptom of imbalance then we need to identify where it is we need the most help. It may be that as we go through all the factors in weight loss that you recognize several categories that are out of balance. Your challenge is to focus on one of them. When you try to put your focus on more than one thing at a time, things begin to get overwhelming. So decide which factor is the most pressing and focus on that.
Factors in Weight Loss:
- Diet
- Physical Activity & Exercise
- Stress
- Hydration & Rest
- Genes
- Toxicity
- Social Support
- External Barriers (Time, money, lack of equipment)
- Hormones
- Negative Thinking (Lack of self love, purpose)
Creating The Optimal Healing Environment
The list above is not an exhaustive list, but you see that there are many factors involved in our ability to lose weight. I suggest to clients that they think in terms of creating the optimal healing environment in the body. Basically, this is about bringing the body back into a state of balance that allows the natural and innate healing abilities of the body to take over. You may think that weight loss is not about healing, but it is. Healing is the act of becoming whole. When we move a place of wholeness it becomes increasingly difficult to make choices that are not conducive to our health. You will notice more and more the feeling of incongruence between your unhealthy choice and whom you choose to be. So instead of getting all caught up complexity of weight loss, E.G. hormones for example, think about how you can make yourself whole. What is the thing you need to focus on to bring you into balance?

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