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Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 9

Mind/Body Weight Loss – Day 9

Mind/Body Weight Loss Day 9

Week 2 Building Awareness

Time to Walk the Walk

We have a tendency in the fitness industry to make getting exercise overly complicated.  This “no pain, no gain” mentality has turned a lot of people off of exercise.  It is true that you will never train for a marathon doing a walking program or bench press 200lbs doing yoga, but I say, “So What”.  One of the best exercises you can do is walk.

If you remember from my foundation article for this 30-Day Challenge, I outline the 5 principals to Holistic Fitness: Breath, balance, nourishment, awareness and gratitude.  It is time to put those principals into action.  Today, I want you to walk.  Take a long walk out in a natural setting, no treadmills please. Remember we are not part of nature, we ARE nature.  Treadmills have their place, but there are so many added benefits to getting outside in the fresh air.  Read over these benefits and register just how nourishing a walk can be for all aspects of who you are.

1.  The Fresh Air:  Many people don’t realize that the air indoors can be up to ten times more polluted than the air outside.

See Also

2.  Sunshine:  Vitamin D is synthesized with exposure to sunlight.  Vitamin D is vitally important to every system in the body.

3.  The Natural World:  Beautiful scenery has healing qualities all on its own.  We are visual beings and looking at the natural world has many benefits to our physiology and mental health.

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