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Navigating the Murky Waters of Grief

Navigating the Murky Waters of Grief


By Amy Taylor

Grief Relief Aurora WinterIf you live long enough, you’ll become acquainted with grief.

Despite this fact, most of us don’t grieve well. We stuff, suppress, distract and otherwise fight the process, which extends our suffering to an average of five to eight years.

What if we could reduce that time to a month, or even thirty minutes? Aurora Winter, founder of the Grief Coach Academy, says she’s seen it happen.

Winter’s husband died suddenly at age 33 when their son was only four years old. At first, she was immobilized by shock and sadness. Fortunately for us, she found a calling in the wake of personal tragedy.

See Also

Winter says grief wears many cloaks. While the death of a spouse certainly qualifies, so does the illness of a parent or the discovery that a child has autism. Whenever hopes and dreams collapse, we grieve.

Winter created The Peace Method to help people face their feelings and move through the grieving process more quickly and meaningfully. She shares this technique, and other tools for self-assessment and care, with Lisa Garr on’s Inspirations: Grief Relief with Aurora Winter.

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