Navigating the Way of the Heart

By Elizabeth Marglin
On GaiamTV’s Open Minds interview with David Icke, this colorful speaker and author gets a chance to dive into his extreme views unfettered by the mockery that has plagued him in the past with host Regina Meredith. A powerful, committed thinker, Icke lets rip on everything presumed to be true. He challenges us to find the knowledge that comes from experience, a wisdom we can only find in our hearts. To start off, Icke opens his argument by quoting Socrates: “Wisdom is knowing how little we know.”
In that humility, we can come into a new sense of the possible. “We don’t need to live in a honeycomb of separatism,” Icke says. The world—and its discontents—are in fact what Icke calls a “holographic illusion.” To peel away the layers of deception, Icke recommends meditation to access the deepest level of yourself.
In general, he suggests a return to a heart-based way of experiencing the world, as opposed to a cerebral interpretation. “Thinking is a low level form of perception,” he says. While his own experiences may seem quite fringe, there are nuggets of undeniable truth that pop up again and again, making the conversation between him and Meredith well worth listening to. His riff on negativity as an addiction hits close to home, as does his unique interpretation of duality as a classic case of “divide and rule.”

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