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Opening to the Language of the Soul – Day 3

Opening to the Language of the Soul – Day 3

Opening to the Language of the Soul – Day 3

A Journey of Purification.

This image is a portal of light.

Picture yourself lying upon a crystalline bed.

Begin deep breaths in…then out…………

I have been guided to create this journey for you.

See Also

This image is drawn on a linen cloth draped across the crystalline table.

  • Above you is a translucent blue pyramid with platinum rays shining around you.
  • Violet spirals spin around you.
  • Golden and lavender rays are ignited by your sacred fire.
  • Gold sparkles shower around you.
  • Your chakras are illumined and the rainbow gateway has opened.
  • The image begins to glow with golden light and you are being infused with all of the energies and color vibrations that are spinning into your energy field.
  • Transmissions of electrical charges are beginning………….and you…start to remember.
  • You begin to drift into a deep sound trance like rest.
  • Memories are twirling through your mind.
  • Pictures are now appearing in your third eye and a past life that really moved your soul, begins to come into view.
    • What is the life that you are seeing?
    • The colors you see?
    • People?
    • Animals?
    • Creatures?
    • Beings?
    • What does the land look like or is it water or air?
    • What do you hear?  See?  Smell? Taste? Touch? Feel?
    • What does your body look like?

Journal your experience even if it makes no sense right now.

If you receive just words…write them down.

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