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Opening to the Language of the Soul – Day 15

Opening to the Language of the Soul – Day 15

Opening to the Language of the Soul Day 15
Peace and Calm/Bringing Tranquil Ripples to the Heart














These codes are for bringing centering and calmness to you.

Peace in the knowing that you are eternal.


Gentleness and diplomacy working through your spirit.


Please copy and print off these codes.


Place them under your pillow or your mattress.

See Also


Some people also carry them with them.


Your energy has started to shift into a new reprogramming of the sacred/secret codes that make up your individual blueprint/your own structure.

To assist in creating a new alignment pattern, this encodement magic will kickstart new

vibrational frequencies for your life.

These are energy signatures that move stagnant vibrations through all aspects of your physical body and all the energy bodies that make you up.

They look like gibberish to your physical eyes.

They create great transformation in your life per each soul’s readiness to create change and grand recognition of  divine perfection.

  • You may feel a shift as you move into a greater awareness and knowing.
  • You may have more clarity and vision.
  • You may open new channels of connection and communication within your being.
  • You may feel very energetic.
  • You may require more rest.
  • You may hear, see or even smell your guides and angels.
  • You may feel tingling, twitching, hair standing on end, or even a swish as your guides surround you.
  • You may experience hearing energy currents, buzzing,  even angelic music through your electrical devices or in the shower through the water.
  • You may need to walk away from your tv, phones, computers etc. as your gentle state of being is requiring a little time off of the grid.
  • You may experience other symptoms as well.
  • Please drink more water as you are igniting your internal systems and structures.

I encourage you to journal your experiences and let me know how you are doing!!!!

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