Oracle For June 2013 – Change

By Darity Wesley
Change – The energies and directions for the month of June are evolving around change. I don’t know about you, but there seems to be a lot of that going on right now, have you noticed? Evidentially more is on the way.
What the Oracle brings to us about “change” for June is, it is truly time to move into a different frame of mind than maybe you ever have before because changes beyond your imaginings are on their way and you either handle it or you leave the planet and you need to know that there will be lots of folks leaving the planet so, listen up and read on…
This Oracle is here to alert you to consider that massive changes are indicated at all levels of existence including inter-dimensionally as the energetic shift to the new eon begins to really shake things up. Just take a look at the world stage and you can see much chaos and fear. This is something that occurs, whether you know it or not, when an old system collapses and a new system is born, duality and those who need the status quo of duality to control things are resisting with all their energetic might yet, the birth and growth of unity consciousness will not and cannot be stopped.
The evolution of human consciousness to Oneness to an expanded and more open understanding of the sovereignty of each human being, the Earth, other planets, the Solar System and indeed the space of physicality we are currently focused in is shifting and therefore causes changes, sometimes very large changes, as we have seen where in Japan and the East Coast of the United States and other places, many people leave the planet at one time. This is happening in the news every day. It is sad and at the same time it is souls completing their journey and therefore at a higher level, we understand that is the way it is to be and it is not a “bad” thing. Sad? Yes. But bad? No.
There are first and second wavers, that are leaving now as others, that would be you, step in to hold space to grow in Spirit, process and integrate the new reality, the new paradigms for living life in the new world being more and more authentic, loving others, transforming lives everywhere you go.
I was surprised and excited that Change was the Oracle for June as I had just written an article for the May issue of Women’s Voices Magazine ( and it, too, was about change. The title was The Only Constant is Change. In there I talked about not resisting change or fearing change and it occurs to me now that a long, long time ago, who knows when, someone decided that “change” was a really bad thing and everybody believed it and that myth has been carried on for centuries.
Human existence was never to be static. While I agree there are comfortable places and spaces in our lives, and when they change or are upended, those are stressful times for us but part of the learning about change, at a higher level, is that it is not good or bad, it just is. This is a relatively new realization for most folks and at a spiritual level it supports all the changes that are going on.
You can see the resistance to change in the political world where people out in the world are changing their opinions about people who love each other of the same sex or about gun background checks or about Internet privacy and the tracking of users that goes on. Yet, change, at the level of management of government, is resisted. Even opinions about Changes on the planet are changing. More and more people are coming to the understanding that the planet’s weather is changing, that climate change is a real thing. Some are resistant to all this as change scares the pitutees out of them and it is constantly reiterated by the media that change is a scary, bad thing.
Know that in reading this Oracle you are opening pathways within yourself for greater learning in accepting change in your life. It is really only you who can decide how change impacts you. No one else can do that and if you can stay away from judging the change as either good or bad, you can take back more control of your life. So many times the changes are so radical, so big that we feel like we are out of control when in truth and fact we are not. While we cannot prevent the change, we certainly can and are able to decide how the change will change us. If you are on the spiritual path you will want to integrate and understand change is just a way of life, a way of responding to the dance that goes on which is life itself.
As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, by changing yourself, by changing how you react, how you evaluate, how you discern the change that is happening or the change that you are integrating to be a more authentic, more true you, then showing others by living by the light of your spirit and making conscious decisions about what this change means and how you can help and support others in their fear of or resistance to change.
Carry the message, live it, be it, feel it and expand it, Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…it will propel you more and more into making the choices of whether you are distressed or disturbed by change or whether you take advantage of change and see other doors, opportunities, visions opening up to support, the enlightened being that you really are!
Let your mantra for the month of June be: I AM using changes as a springboard for my expanded consciousness…And So It Is!!!
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Note: Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter. @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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