Real Power True Peace: Reality Panel Update

In the May C Edition of OMTimes, we introduced the Real Power True Peace Reality Panel for the first time (see Real Power True Peace). For the past month the panel; Laurie, Robin, Jeffrey, Tarlach and Jennifer have been integrating The Simplicity of Stillness methodology along with the ideas internationally renowned author Robert Greene shared in his interview with Marlise, on bringing Mastery into your life. In the excerpt from the radio show that follows, the Reality Panel shares their experiences during the past month and how each one of them has moved forward in their journey.
Marlise: I’m amazed when I think that the show has only been on the air for two months, and so much is going on. I don’t feel that it’s only about an acceleration of time – it’s what happens when you put your focused attentions on what you’re moving toward in your life.
Then when you converge it with the energy of awareness transmitted through stillness, even though sometimes things feel like they’re not moving, you suddenly stop, reflect, and then realize that there’s this tremendous shift in an overall way of being.
Laurie: What’s been happening for me is people have been approaching me with their issues in their relationships. I’ve been around heated family discussions that were all in Spanish, and I don’t understand Spanish. I was not expecting a good outcome. And I believe that just by my presence, being in the same space, it all turned out wonderful, and it was very calm and peaceful.

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