Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 11
Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 11
Discover and Share Yourself
by Veronica Lee
Self exploration can be fun, daunting, confusing and exhausting. The human mind, in its compulsion to understand, can use razor sharp intensity to dissect every aspect of ourselves simply for its own satisfaction. Though there is value in “knowing thyself,” we often confuse it with “criticizing thyself” and wind up rejecting the whole process of self-discovery.
If we can learn to refrain from the critical aspect of our own ego, we can gain valuable insights about who we are, what we enjoy and so on. If we open our hearts to ourselves as we explore, we can also gain self-compassion.
The self-discovery techniques that I offer in the video Discover and Share Yourself are ones that allow us to explore in ways that are safe and effective. From a “question and answer” style journaling to individual therapy to spiritual groups, we can try to set our egos aside as we journey into knowing who we really are.
As well, I touch on the value of sharing who we are – as authentic beings – with others. As we begin to claim our true power, we realize that we cannot use something we keep hidden.
As we are our power, we tap into it by bringing forth our authentic selves.
Exercise: Tools Needed: Blank paper, pencils (colored or lead okay), scissors and a timer. Note: Timer. Allow 20 minutes or so for this simple exercise. Watch the video before completing this exercise.
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