Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 17

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 17
Allow Love
by Veronica Lee
Even though our essence is Love, we spend a large amount of our energy trying to “find” it, believing we don’t have it, and – strangely enough – actually avoiding it! A silly game we play as humans, this cat and mouse match of love can be quite amusing.
Songs, movies, poetry and daily conversations have love as one of its most popular themes… and that’s just romantic love.
In fact, many of us have such a narrow view on love that it’s no wonder the word has lost its power; its true meaning has been convoluted. And given that we are Love, many of us have such a narrow view on ourselves that it’s no wonder we have lost our power and our true meaning has been convoluted, as well. Nothing is more important – for joy, integration, claiming our power, and expanding our being – than allowing and becoming Love.
It is time to Allow Love.
Exercise: Note: Give yourself as much time as you need – perhaps up to an hour – for this exercise. You will be guided to Allow Love with an audio meditation. Get comfortable sitting or laying down. Let the Allow Love Meditation audio guide you into a deep state of open acceptance. You may complete your meditation when the audio ends, or stay in a silent meditative state for as long as you wish.
Audio: Sacred Offerings Website Link: Share Your Evolution: What was this experience like for you? What were the resistances and openings as you intended to Allow Love?

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