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Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 20

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 20

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 20

A Simple, Simple Living Guide: 10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

by Veronica Lee

Is your life getting busier and busier? Is your soul longing for a Simple Living Guide?

We live in a hectic and overly busy society. In just 24 hours we are expected to work for eight or more of them, commute to and from our workplace, exercise for at least 20 minutes (if not an hour), eat three balanced meals, snack and take our daily vitamins, shuffle our children to various extra-curricular activities, walk our dogs, keep the house straightened, and, if we are on the spiritual path, meditate at least 20 minutes, and top it off with a good night’s sleep!

Oh, and we can’t forget those weekly (or more) to do’s that are sprinkled in; give our home a deep cleaning, grocery shop, take that evening business or self-improvement class, tend to the garden, wash the car, the laundry and the dog, scoop pet poop, and go to church.

Wait, there’s more! Dentist appointments, car tune-ups and maintenance, community volunteering, haircuts, the kids’ games or meets, class parent meetings, regular veterinarian visits, the monthly book club, birthday celebrations, and those well anticipated family vacations and three-day weekends that we call ‘getaways.’

See Also

Interesting word – getaway: 1. an act or instance of getting away, as escape 2. a place suitable for a vacation 3. a vacation especially of brief duration

These are not exhausted lists of daily, weekly and other necessary activities, of course, but it’s likely that your name is on that long list of exhausted folks trying to keep up. No wonder we need to get away!

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