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Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 20

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 20

Your mind, body, heart and soul will thank you for the breathing room.

Exercise: Part 1 Choose one suggestion and implement one related task today. For example, do not watch television, take a nature walk, do yoga or screen all of your calls.

Part 2 Select one area of your life to simplify and begin to formulate a plan of action to do so. For example, plan a “slow” and leisurely getaway, make a commitment to stay in bed and incorporate a simple 20 minute meditation as part of your routine, or assess and restructure your normal weekly calendar to create more balance and down time.

Share Your Evolution: How do you feel about the Simple, Simple Living Guide? Does it resonate with your values? In what ways have you already incorporated simplicity? What is your next intention when it comes to creating balance in your life?

See Also

About Veronica Lee

Veronica Lee is an Intuitive, Mentor, Speaker and Writer who has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe. A transformational visionary, Veronica offers new ways of being in the world. From sharing cosmic truths and innovative ideas, to demonstrating practical tools to support evolving spiritual-human beings, her intention is live as an authentic example of an integrated mystical life. Veronica is available for Speaking engagements and collaborative Webinars, as well as private Readings and Mentoring. Connect with Veronica through her website at, and find her on social networks:

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