Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 24

Even if it is IT, would I be stuck?
Stuck with nothing but IT?
Yet, there is something to IT that calls to me…
What is IT?
I am so curious and feel IT’s pull.
Am I a slave to IT,
Or is IT my destiny to move toward IT?
Somehow I feel like I’m supposed to become One with IT.
I imagine myself
becoming One with IT.
IT actually doesn’t feel so bad.
Yes, IT’s kinda new and different,
Yet there’s a sweet familiarity in IT.
I feel safe and contained in IT.
Yet there is still plenty of room for me to move and be free within IT.
I feel my arms and legs moving around, almost swimming in IT –
but again I wonder, What is IT?
So then I wonder, Is this it?
So what if I can swim and move freely and be contained and protected…
So what?
Maybe I don’t want to be in IT, really.
Maybe IT’s not for me.
I stop swimming –
take a breath –
and step out of IT.
I look up at IT’s Grandness.
So what! I say independently.
I back away from IT.
IT doesn’t look quite so big anymore –
the farther away I move from IT.
Then I sit alone and have nothing to do.

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