Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 24

I take a breath and look around.
I notice IT all around me.
I am completely saturated in IT.
Everything is in IT.
Everything I see, touch, smell…
It is all in IT.
Hmm…, I ponder, I thought I left IT.
I have remembrances of walking away from IT.
But then this feeling explodes from my heart.
Is it a feeling, or a knowing, or what?
That doesn’t actually seem to matter anymore.
There’s more to IT than my mind can handle.
Yet suddenly I am clear and certain that somehow I AM IT!
I am overwhelmed with awe and excitement.
Wow! I AM IT!
That moment fades into laughter
when I totally realize that I was the butt of a really funny joke…
I can never NOT be IT,
I never left IT
and that’s all there is to IT!
Hmph – some joke.
I smile…
I have to admit it was a really, really good joke –
I almost bought IT!
Exercise: Tools Needed: Paper/journal and pen (feel free to use a computer, of course!) Note: Try to make this quick and simple, allowing no more than an hour to “capture” your inspirations.
Write a poem, song or idea, or record some other form of Divine-Self Expression. Allow any inspirations to come through you and be captured on paper, computer file, or other recording device. Once complete, share your creative work with at least one other person.

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