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Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 30

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 30

Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 30

A Conscious Journey Forward

by Veronica Lee

As humans, we are hard-wired for growth. We didn’t need to set an intention or goal to physically grow up; it simply happened. Of course, nourishment and support of our human bodies were required to optimize our growth, but our overall development has been as natural as breathing.  As spiritual beings, we are infinite and ever expanding.  Again, the “forward” momentum seems to be hard-wired.  Thus, with both aspects evolving, it makes sense that our personal desires to grow and achieve are in alignment with who we are, body and soul.

Our evolution, interestingly, isn’t quite so straightforward though. In our humanity, we are mortal beings; our physical growth eventually stops, even appears to move backward, then we die.  Although it is natural and timely to move forward, moving ahead eventually leads to our human death.  Spiritually, our infinite essence is somewhat of a paradox.  In reality there is no time or space, so the movement of “forward” or “expanding” (which imply a direction across time and/or space) doesn’t actually exist!

In spite of the non-existence of time and space, as well as our inevitable death, our sense of our spiritual expansion fuels our human drive to “move forward” and do that which our souls came to do, even if we are not fully clear about what that might be.

See Also

Although we each incarnated for different reasons, we essentially came to Earth to experience life as spiritual-human beings.

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