Reclaim Your Powerful You! – Day 6
Simply by recognizing (re-knowing) your innate abilities – and practicing them – you open yourself to a whole new realm of useful and “clear” (clair) senses. Imagine expanding your five senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting to help you navigate through your life with sharper awareness! As well, you can develop the intuitive skills of emotional feeling and knowing which correspond with your emotional and mental bodies.
Thus, developing your intuitive power is a matter of allowing what your intuition tells you to enter your conscious mind and accepting what you receive. There are many ways to get information, and each person is unique in how he or she receives and interprets what is sensed.
Exercise: Tools Needed: Paper and pen/pencil
Examine the Ways of Receiving Intuitive Information. Next, identify and write down your intuitive senses:
1. List them in order from most to least developed
2. Add a rating next to each one – using a 5 star system – in terms of their maturity
3. With your top one or two metaphysical sense skills, recall and write a story or situation which describes how your intuition was correct and how it served you (if you listened to it!)
4. Write down an intuitive goal; for example, “I want to hear, with clarity, messages from my guides.”
Ways of Receiving Intuitive Information
Kinetic / Physical / Touch
Possibly the most common way of receiving information is through touch or the kinetic sense. Perhaps you are drawn to or repelled by the physical features of people, places or things. You often notice physical sensations in your own body. When speaking about your insights, you will use words like “I feel” or will describe body sensations like “My legs feel.” You may experience goose bumps, nausea, tingling sensations, as well as temperature changes.
Emotions / Empathy
Some information comes through the emotions. You will likely describe your sensations by sharing what you are feeling using words like “I feel happy” or “I’m getting a nervous feeling”. As an empath, you may have a hard time being in crowded places where you are unconsciously absorbing and feeling all the emotions of the people around you. Feelings of sadness, anger or fear may overwhelm you when you are with others. You may feel completely drained after trying to help someone.
Many people “see” things. Either images form in your mind’s eye, as in a visualization or daydream, or you have a sense of pictures, movies or colors. You may use words like “I see” or “It looks like” when describing your visions. Your images can be vivid with lots of details or vague and sketchy. Some intuitives can actually see energies with their eyes – like the shape and color of an aura – but this isn’t necessary in clairvoyance.
Auditory sensing is common for many people. You may hear words or other sounds; some identifiable, like a bell, and some unidentifiable sounds, like a high-pitched “tuning sound” in your inner ears. You will say things like “I hear” or “Something is telling me.” Your clairaudient skills may be hard to discern from your own internal chatter. You may be able to hear messages from non-verbal beings.
A less common way of getting intuitive information is through smell or taste impressions. You may relay information in a general way such as “This leaves a funny taste,” or be more specific like “I keep smelling lavender.” You may identify a scent, like a specific essential oil or flower as part of your skill. The associations you get from smells or tastes may offer you clues for interpretations.
Knowing / Logic
Some people get information directly from their mental bodies; they simply “know.” Information from knowing tends to be harder to discern and trust because it can be confused with your own thinking. The words you may say are “I get” or “It seems to me,” or you speak more directly as in, “You are experiencing.” You may find yourself simply describing situations.
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