Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 12

Recommit and Reconnect Day 12
Do you feel as if you are both going in different directions?
Perhaps you are going in different directions and only find time for each other when you cross paths in the bathroom. Yes we live in a fast-paced world, with very busy jobs, children and social activities. Perhaps one of you has to travel for work and usually only home on the weekend. Do you really expect the relationship to work if you are both never in the same room?
Today we would like you to agree to make time for each other. A relationship can only thrive when you spend time together, communicating with each other and sharing experiences. We all have time for our jobs and our other obligations, and we need to set time aside for our relationship. Relationships cannot exist by themselves and one person can only hold the relationship together for so long. Spending quality time together will deepen your bond and allow you to re-establish the connection. You don’t have to set aside a “date night” once a week if you can’t afford to go out, but reserve that time for just the two of you, with no distractions or interruptions.

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