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Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 15

Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 15

Recommit and Reconnect Day 15

Sometimes the daily challenges of life can bring frustration into our lives. We have jobs, kids, school, family stuff and financial issues. When we are dealing with a lot of it, all at once, we can fall into a negative mindset. However, there has to be something that happened today in your lives that was a positive experience. Even if you entire day was filled with misery, there had to be that one little experience, that was a happy moment.  For this challenge, and for the remainder of this relationship challenge, we are going to create a Jar of Happiness.

For this challenge you will need a large jar, although another container would work, and 3 x 5 notecards. Today, before you both go to bed, we want you to think of one thing, you experienced either individually or together, that made you smile. It can something as simple as seeing a butterfly, or having ice cream, it does not matter. Each of you need to find that one gem that brought a smile to your face today. No matter how big, no matter how small. Now write the thing that made you happy, either as a couple or individual, on a notecard, fold it in half and put it in the jar. We would like you to do this exercise every night for the remainder of the challenge. At the end of the challenge, we would like you to take them out and read them to each other. We would also like to challenge you to continue this for some time, writing something every day on the notecards, an placing in your Happiness Jar, that you are creating together.

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