Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 19

Recommit and Reconnect Day 19
In relationships, there will always be disagreements, especially if you have been together for some time. How do you handle those falling outs? Do you go cold toward your partner, becoming the Ice Queen, making them pay for every small perceived transgression against you?
Perhaps you lash out against them when do something that you consider a faux pas. Could you possibly have a tendency to blow things out of proportion and even create drama where there need not be any? Do you blurt out things to your partner, in the heat of an argument, later to regret what you said? But rather than admit you were wrong, decide to just ignore it, hoping it will go away?
Well today we would like you to make an agreement with yourself that from this day forward you will tell your partner that you are sorry, sooner rather than later. And be sincere about it. If you do something to upset, anger or hurt the one you love, don’t immediately begin to defend yourself. Apologize sincerely, and then if need be explain your side. If you hurt someone’s feelings you must first understand that even though you didn’t mean it, they still felt hurt. Do not attempt to minimize or diminish their feelings, validate them, and then apologize so you can put the issue to rest. Why drag it out when you can fix it right away?

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