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Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 2

Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 2

Recommit and Reconnect to Love Day 2

Driving a car requires your full attention, and so should your relationship with your romantic partner. Many people in today’s society no longer give their full attention to anyone, their romantic partner included. Have you ever gone to a restaurant and noticed that people are not talking amongst themselves but have their faces buried in the mobile devices? Conversations are interrupted by phones, cell phones, text messages, Twitter updates and Facebook newsfeeds. In this challenge we are asking you to step away from the devices folks! Put them away or better yet, turn them off.


Giving someone partial attention can be off-putting and quite possibly make your partner feel insecure and unloved. In today’s challenge we would ask you to make a conscious effort to give your partner more of your full attention, more of the time. It would be awesome if you would give them your full attention all the time, but with so many distractions in our daily lives it can be difficult.  We get so caught up in our jobs, family responsibilities and friends that very often our partners get stuck in the back seat.

See Also


Get away from distracting things that interfere with your ability to truly connect to each other. Turn off the television, and all other devices that interrupt and distract you from being fully present with your partner. Give them more of your time and attention without interruption. Have a conversation with each other and look at each other. Talk about what you each admire about the other. Try to leave all talk of work, family and other clutter out of the conversation and focus on yourselves.

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