Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 20

Recommit and Reconnect Day 20
Is there something around the house that needs changing, sprucing or shaking up? Perhaps you need to plant a garden or change the landscaping. Maybe the closet is so full of stuff that you can’t open it in fear it will explode all over the hallway. Maybe you need to put photos of all your vacations into scrapbooks. Maybe you have been wanting to create a family picture wall but have been putting it off because you did not have the time. Maybe the kitchen needs a new back splash. There has to be something around the house that you would like to change, fix or repair.
It is Thursday and today we would like you to think about what little project around the house you can do together. Sort of like a Do It Yourself (DIY) project, but make this a Do It Together (DIT) project. Share with your partner what you would like to work on, then put a plan in place to make it happen. If you want to paint a room, get some paint swatches. If you want to plant a garden, figure out what plants would work best in your area. Do something to improve your living space and make the effort to do it as a couple, so you are each contributing to the effort of improving your living space. Remember this is not he works in the yard and you do the house work. This is something else that you are doing as a joint project together.

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