Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 22

Recommit and Reconnect to Love Day 22
Today you get to look at yourself from a different perspective. Instead of seeing yourself as you see you, we challenge you to see yourself as your partner sees you. Believe it or not, his perception could be completely different than your own. It is time to put yourself in your partner’s place. We are not talking about a role reversal challenge here, but you looking at yourself and your behavior through their eyes.
Are you fun to be around or have you surrounded yourself with a wall of negativity, stress and tension? Have you stopped doing the fun things you used to do together? Are you too focused on your work that you don’t make as much quality time for your partner as you should? Don’t wait or expect your partner to break down those walls to reach you, instead, knock them down yourself. Like attracts like, and if your negativity is setting the mood, it is time to change your attitude to a more positive one. Not only will that improve your relationship, but it can change your all-around outlook. We all have excuses to be in a bad mood but should we use them? What purpose does it serve? None. A positive change in your attitude can really give your relationship a much needed boost. When you are positive, your partner will probably be positive, just to reflect that positive mood back to you.

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