Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 23

Recommit and Reconnect to Love Day 23
As we have mentioned, there are times when the daily ins and outs of life become monotonous due to the different work, family and other stressors we face on a daily basis. These things can definitely impact your relationship, for the worst, unless you are able to effectively manage them. When you first met your partner, were the stresses of life different or non-existent? Were you at a very different place in your life then than you are now? Wouldn’t it be great to escape and go back to that time and place?
And that is exactly what we would like you to do today. Where were you and your partner when you first met? Where did you go? Where did you meet? What did you do for your first date? Go back to that energetic space where you first fell for each other. Where were you? If it is local to where you are now go back to that place. Remember all the things about each other that sparked your romantic interest. Go back to where you had your first date, if possible. Try to recreate that ‘in the beginning’ stage and the excitement you felt to be around each other. Reminisce about the memories you have shared, focusing only on the happy times you shared together. Start your sentences with “Remember when..” and remember all the reasons you were drawn to each other. Acknowledge them and apply them to your lives now.

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